Friday, May 29, 2020

6 Interview Types You Must Know as a Candidate

6 Interview Types You Must Know as a Candidate Before you go on your interview, you should realize there are several common types of job interviews. You will definitely want to inquire what type of job interview you will be going on beforehand so you can best prepare for it. Dont be afraid to ask your recruiter what type of job interview will be conducted, as it serves both of you and the interviewer to know. In this article, I am going to discuss the six of the most common types of job interviews. 1) Traditional one on one job interview: The traditional one on one interview is where you are interviewed by one representative of the company, most likely the manager of the position you are applying for. Because you will be working with this person directly if you get the job, he/she will want to get a feel for who you are and if your skills match those of the job requirements. You may be asked questions about the experience on your resume, what you can offer to the company or position. Many times the interviewer will ask you questions such as Why would you be good for this job? or Tell me about yourself. The one on one interview is by far, one of the most common types of job interviews. 2) Panel interview: In a panel interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers. The panel may consist of different representatives of the company such as human resources, management, and employees. The reason why some companies conduct panel interviews is to save time or to get the collective opinion of panel regarding the candidate. Each member of the panel may be responsible for asking you questions that represent relevancy from their position. 3) Behavioral interview: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for. The logic behind the behavioral interview is that your future performance will be based on a past performance of a similar situation. You should expect questions that inquire about what you did when you were in XXX situation and how did you dealt with it. In a behavioral interview, the interviewer wants to see how you deal with certain problems and what you do to solve them. 4) Group  interview: Many times companies will conduct a group interview to quickly prescreen candidates for the job opening as well as give the candidates the chance to quickly learn about the company to see if they want to work there. Many times, a group interview will begin with a short presentation about the company. After that, they may speak to each candidate individually and ask them a few questions. One of the most important things the employer is observing during a group interview, is how you interact with the other candidates. Are you emerging as a leader or are you more likely to complete tasks that are asked of you? Neither is necessarily better than the other, it just depends on what type of personality works best for the position that needs to be filled. 5) Phone interview: A phone interview may be for a position where the candidate is not local or for an initial prescreening call to see if they want to invite you in for an in-person interview. You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions. Most of the time you will schedule an appointment for a phone interview. If the interviewer calls unexpectedly, its ok to ask them politely to schedule an appointment. On a phone interview, make sure your call waiting is turned off, you are in a quiet room, and you are not eating, drinking or chewing gum. READ MORE:  Top 5 Tips for a Successful Telephone Interview 6)  Lunch interview: Many times lunch interviews are conducted as a second interview. The company will invite you to lunch with additional members of the team to further get to know you and see how you fit in. This is a great time to ask any questions you may have about the company or position  as well, so make sure you prepare your questions in advance. Although you are being treated to a meal, the interview is not about the food. Dont order anything that is too expensive or messy to eat. Never take your leftovers home in a doggy bag either. You want to have your best table manners and be as neat as possible. You dont need to offer to pay, it is never expected for a candidate to pay at a lunch interview. Chew quietly and in small bites so you dont get caught with a mouthful of food when the recruiter asks you a question. So, now you have an idea of these six common types of job interviews. However, no matter what type of job interview you go on, always do your best to prepare for it the best you can ahead of time so you can do your best and show them the best of who you are. RELATED: The Psychology of Interviews: How To Prepare Mentally. Image: Shutterstock

Monday, May 25, 2020

Why Job Seekers Should Find a New Job in December

Why Job Seekers Should Find a New Job in December Most job seekers believe December is the worst time of the year to find the job of their dreams. The mindset that it is not easy to find work in an unstable economy can create doubts in your mind. After all, most organizations are preoccupied with Christmas parties and attending board meetings to think of strategies on how to improve business practices in the New Year. The truth is December is an ideal time for human resources to search for top talent to hire to start work within the first few weeks of the New Year. The Competition is Bleak  In December, most job seekers are on vacation, spend time planning Christmas activities or spend quality time with family. The last thought that comes to people’s minds is an urgency to find a job because of the misconception that the summer is the best time to search for work. It gives you the advantage to update your resume with career development and activities you accomplished throughout the year. You can stand out amongst the other job seekers and be first in line for a job interview. In most cases, human resources understand that some hiring managers are out of the office and will invite you for an interview on their behalf to share the news about the meeting for consideration of a new position with the company. New Year End Vacancies  It is normal for some employees to receive a year-end bonus and decide to quit to start a new job with another organization closer to the end of the year. It is a challenging experience for a human resources recruiter. However, you can turn this situation into an opportunity by applying for job opportunities in your field. In this type of scenario, recruiters are experiencing an urgency from their managers to fill a vacant position to help sustain employee productivity that results in the heavy workload completed by a new hire. Human resources departments work hard at this time to recruit millennials that can think outside the box with a winning attitude to be productive at work. Networking at Holiday Parties  If you are a person that appreciates an in-person connection, attending multiple holiday parties in December for networking can help you to meet with human resources specialists and influential people that work for top organizations in your area. As your friends or colleagues entertain themselves, take the personal time to approach people you are introduced to and turn it into an opportunity to meet other professionals. Most people are friendly during this month and are open to meeting new people. Temporary Work is Abundant You may need a part time temporary job to pay for Christmas gifts, or an interest in paying off debt is a high priority. If you search job opportunities online, you will notice an increase of temporary assignments that often last between 6 months to a year. There are not-for-profit organizations that need help. It may not be work experience in your field to add to your resume, but it can be one to add in community involvement. You will be surprised who you can meet when you are having fun and helping the community at the same time. Final Thoughts  We hope this blog inspires you to take a chance this season and start searching for the job you deserve. Imagine the feeling of finding a new job right before January begins. It will be more challenging for you to begin searching for work in January when most organizations have closed the budget on hiring until the next season. You can use this blog as inspiration and send it to people you know that need the motivation. Have a Happy Holiday and good luck with your job search. This guest post was authored by Makeda Waterman Makeda Waterman is a professional writer with clips from CNBC Make It., Huffington Post,, Elite Daily, Fast Company, among others. She owns an online writing business and enjoys traveling in her spare time.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Top Ways To Save Money When You Are Hit By Unexpected Illness

Top Ways To Save Money When You Are Hit By Unexpected Illness Living with a long-term illness or disability can be anything but an easy road. If you were born with a specific condition, it may be all youve ever known. But if you have been in an accident or have suddenly become unwell, you may find that your whole life has been turned upside down. Aside from the initial shock and upset that has been caused, you probably look to the future fairly soon. A long-term illness or disability can change the whole direction of your life, and the path that ends up being carved out for you can be very different to the one you imagined. One huge aspect of this is money, and our personal finances. Most of us are paying off a mortgage or are at least paying rent. Not being able to keep up with these repayments can have potentially devastating effects on both ourselves and our families. If you are the sole source of income for you and your children, this pressure is even greater. But, thankfully, there are ways you can get back on your feet financially, and ways you can save cash even if you are living with health problems. Social Security Disability If you become disabled or unable to work for health reasons, you may be entitled to claim Social Security Disability from the federal government. You can find out if you are eligible online and you can also apply on there too if you have been paying tax. The scheme runs for those of us who are unable to work due to medical condition that is expected to last for at least a year. If for whatever reason you are denied the SSD, you can appeal with the help of a disability law firm such as Chermol Fishman. Working from home If your accident has left you unable to physically access your current workplace anymore, you may want to consider working from home. Many employers are now coming round to the idea of allowing their staff to telecommute thanks to the ease of modern communications. Raise this idea with your boss and see how they react if you are a valued employee, they may agree. If this is not an option for your company, why not consider starting up your own business from home? Blogging, writing reviews, taking surveys and online trading are all other ways you can make cash from the comfort of your own home too. Taking care of yourself When something bad happens to us and we get ill, it can sometimes be tempting to loosen the grip on our healthy lifestyle. However, whilst the occasional treat is acceptable, you could actually save money on healthcare by taking better care of yourself. Overeating, heavy drinking and a lack of exercise will only lead to new health problems on top of what you already have. Eating well and keeping fit will mean you can avoid these issues, and you may also find that your current medical condition improves too. . Image credits. Main.  Healthy.

Monday, May 18, 2020

High-Functioning Depression - What it is and How it Looks

High-Functioning Depression - What it is and How it Looks High-Functioning Depression is  a form of the illness that is not intense enough to noticeably affect the ability to perform daily responsibilities such as work and domestic duties  but can persist for years, leading to more functional impairment over time than acute episodes of major depression. What does it feel like to live with high functioning depression? High functioning depression can hit you at random times. Most of the time you are living your best life, functional and moving through your day as most people would. You get up, you work hard, you play hard. The unfortunate part is when the functions of normal day to day operations end, those feelings that you have been keeping at bay can come up like bad food. It almost feels like its about to regurgitate at any given moment. So you try to stay busy and work hard until you are so exhausted that you sleep in those empty moments instead of being left with energy, space, and time to deal with those emotions that cause fleeting but powerful depression symptoms. Describe a good day/bad day. A good day is being so busy and full with positive things to consume your life with that you have no time or energy to feel or deal with any amount of sadness, anxiety or depression that may surface. A bad day can start with those negative feelings that you are not enough, that it doesnt matter, that no matter what you do, this sadness wont go away. You wake up with a lump in your throat, heart palpitations, in tears not even knowing where theyre coming from. It requires immense effort to pull yourself out of bed and emotionally force your day to day actions until you are out of that rut. Everything can bring you to tears… even good things because that feeling of eventually losing it overtakes the joy that you have from having it. Family, kids, financial security, health, all feel like it will be taken. Hopelessness helplessness are conflated into one overwhelming, all-consuming emotion. It can get scary. How do you get through the work day on a bad day? Sometimes, nothing gets done. I can literally be in a long drawn out daze all day or it takes all day to get a few items complete. For me, because I am in public relations and I work with individuals and companies that champion a great cause or true story, it can take me into an even deeper depression. I can be working on a story or a pitch and while Im typing , writing and thinking I have tears streaming down my face. That may actually work to the advantage of my client because I have so much heart and passion around meaningful stories but its pretty scary because the emotions run so deep. Do you go with it? Let it drive you and fuel your ability to convey the strength of the message? Because I have lost people to suicide and drug addiction, its very scary to allow myself to feel the depths of the emotions that are going through my mind and heart. I personally think I have found a way to pull back before it crosses a line but you just never know. I realized with the help of a friend that when we are dealing with deep emotions and anxiety, sometimes we forget to breathe. The first thing I do when I realize that Im sinking is to start to take deep breaths. That immediately brings me back to reality and the current situation. What is the difference between depression and high functioning depression? I think that depression itself can be temporary and short-term. It can be temporarily treated with medication or therapy. High functioning depression is a permanent state of living where you actually have to build your treatment into your lifestyle. I think it takes a huge reality check to come to terms with the fact that there are some things that have happened in your life that will never go away. (ACE) adverse childhood experiences leave a permanent stain on many individuals. It cannot be erased. It can be regulated with medication but, who wants to take medication for the rest of their life? In essence, you must find a way to deal with these fleeting thoughts and emotions that will come up at times based on situations that you may go through in your adult life on a regular basis. High functioning is not allowing those feelings and emotions to take you into a permanent place of disability like substance abuse and self-mutilation or even violent behavior or criminal activity. Any thoughts or tips for people who are struggling with this but haven’t admitted it to themselves or asked for help? Those heart palpitations and that tightness in your throat, the random stomach aches when youre not physically sick, those headaches that seem to come and go when nothing has happened to cause them are reasons to go speak with the doctor. When a doctor cant find medical reasons for your issues, your next step a mental health therapist.  I was placed on medication for extreme migraines for over a year. I didnt like how the medication made me feel and I wanted to get rid of the symptoms permanently so I had to acknowledge what was bringing those headaches on. Know this for sure, there is a cause and effect for everything. Theres a solution for every problem. My headaches were a problem. I was not willing to have medication be a permanent solution. So, I had to finally acknowledge the emotional mass that I had been avoiding that was causing the headaches. I changed my approach period I change my lifestyle. I changed my coping mechanisms. Most importantly, I acknowledge that there would always be something that would trigger my depression and anxiety. Knowing that, those feelings dont scare me as much as they once used to. Now, I deal with them head-on. Any other insights? I want to be honest in regards to exercise and working out. More than anything, getting your body and mind in the best shape possible is the most effective combatant to negative emotional feelings. The endorphins that are released by exercise and maximizing your bodys capabilities is one of the best medications for depression, anxiety another negative feelings. If you are capable of some sort of physical exercise exertion, do it. Commit to it. Commit to your health and wellness, body and soul. Its better than any medication. I have been dealing with long-term clinical depression for almost 20 years. I witnessed a murder when I was almost 5 years old.   Both of my parents have been addicted to drugs and alcohol. I have been assaulted twice. My mother passed away  due to an overdose. I moved back home to raise her 2 daughters that found her on the kitchen floor. There are days that I cannot even lift my arms due to the weight of the depression. I have taken long baths to camouflage my tears in case my husband saw me. With all of this weighing down on me regularly, I have been able to successfully raise 4 children, raise my 2 sisters and be an active member of our community.   I am the first African American woman elected to the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, on the executive board on another business organization and successfully married since 2001. I penned a memoir earlier this year and people that have known me for decades never knew that I suffered from anxiety , depression and PTSD. This just lets you know, people wear masks all the time. You just never know what a person has been through. This guest post was authored by Tonya McKenzie. Author of A Child’s Memories of Cartoons Murder Facebook: Twitter IG: @PRBizMom

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Writing An Ebook 10 Things I Learned - Executive Career Brandâ„¢

Writing An Ebook 10 Things I Learned Two months after launching my ebook, 23 Ways You Sabotage Your Executive Job Search and How Your Brand Will Help You Land, I’ve been looking back at and assessing the writing, publishing and promotion process. All in all, I think I did okay and weathered things well throughout my first foray into self-publishing. I certainly learned a lot for the next time. The following 10 things are at the top of my list: 1. Create a solid outline and table of contents,  and get the book written . . .  then worry about the title. I slowed the process by fretting about the title from the beginning, spending hours and days toying with variations. Meanwhile, I wasn’t writing any content. I knew what I wanted to cover in the ebook. That was enough to map out the outline. After wasting too much time, I finally got down to it and allotted time each day to writing the content.   In doing so, the table of contents came together and  the title fell into place, just like that. Then it was just a matter of filling in some gaps and finishing up. 2. Prioritization and time management skills are critical. It took me a while to figure it out, but I learned that I had to go straight to writing at the beginning of each work day, and put in a solid 2-3 hours (or more, if possible), before letting emails,  social networks, or anything else distract me. I wrote a post about this, Say NO to Social Media . . . Sometimes. 3. Dont dwell on making it perfect, at the expense of launching sooner. When everything was done â€" the writing, formatting, cover â€" I procrastinated by continually editing, as I found new things to add, and wanting to get everything just right. I had some anxiety about letting it go and putting it out there. Finally, I realized that I could either continue tweaking, knowing it didn’t really need it, or I could take the leap and publish it. 4. Plenty of pre-launch promotion is needed. Well before launching, I should have sent out a draft of the ebook to get endorsements and build buzz. The 2 pre-launch blog posts I wrote werent  enough. I should have done more before launch to establish an online footprint for the ebook. 5. There are tons of great, free resources out there to walk you through creating an ebook. Here are 2 that cover a lot of ground and really helped me: Write, Publish and Market Your E-book, A Free Step-by-Step Tutorial, by Marelisa Fabrega 101 Ways to Make Your Ebook Sexy, by Logan Zanelli 6. Pass off the tedium to someone else. I did most of the work myself â€" formatting the text and, of course, writing all the content. But I hired a designer (Felice Katz of Graphics To-Go) to create the cover, and a desktop publishing professional to tidy up a few loose ends with formatting the final PDF file. Although doing most of the formatting forced me to learn quite a bit about Word, next time around I may hire someone to deal with all the formatting, and free up precious time for writing and launching sooner. 7. Setting up an online shopping cart is relatively easy. I used e-junkie and PayPal to capture and process sales. There’s nothing much involved with setting up a PayPal account but, at first glance, e-junkie looked kind of complicated. It took a little time because they offer so many features and options, but it wasn’t difficult after all. The PDF file was a cinch to upload, and now it all runs smoothly on its own, with no participation required by me to complete a sale. I get an email when one’s been sold, e-junkie collects the money and deposits in my PayPal account and, when it clears, the money is available to me. 8. When you have a strong Twitter network,   people are there for you when you need them. Without being asked, many Twitter friends took it upon themselves to spread my tweets about the ebook, retweeting more than once.  Others I reached out to were kind enough to retweet me. Still others went out of their way and wrote blog posts about it or used their blogs to promote it. Thanks a million Hannah Morgan  (@careersherpa), Randi Bussin (@myreinventure), Katharine Hansen (@kat_hansen) and Jeff Lipschultz (@jlipschultz). 9. Blogging and Twitter work beautifully together to spread the word about anything. My blogsites gave me a home base to write about and promote the ebook. Before launching, I wrote 2 posts about it, a post accompanied the launch and, with this one today, I’ve written 2 more posts since the launch. The blog posts allowed me to provide in depth information about what’s in the ebook. My tweets helped drive traffic to the posts and, ultimately, my ebook sales page. All good! 10. This will not be the only book I publish â€" digital or otherwise. Despite getting bogged down in the tedium, I loved putting together this ebook and learning from the process. I think one of the reasons I held back from launching it, was that I didn’t want it to be over. In fact, I did feel a kind of loss once the flurry of activity subsided and my work was pretty much done. I’ve tossed around a few ideas for another ebook, but haven’t set myself to anything yet. Related posts: Why I Wrote My Executive Branding and Job Search Ebook Chapter 1 of My Ebook: 23 Ways You Sabotage Your Executive Job Search Blogging and Twitter: How Tweet It Is! Online Reputation Management: Relevance, Quality, Diversity, Volume, Consistency 00 0

Monday, May 11, 2020

Thank you, Indore (India) - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Thank you, Indore (India) - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Making people happy at work in India Im back. Im beat. And no wonder in 11 days I went Copenhagen Chicago London Bombay Indore Bombay London Copenhagen. India, especially, was great. Going there was an absolutely amazing experience. I dont hesitate to call it life-changing. I went with one big question on my mind: Will my stuff work in India? Will they like the idea of happiness at work? Will my style go over well with Indians? Will my tools and methods work in Indian workplaces? Will Indian managers see the business sense in making their employees happy? Another happy Indian I seriously had no idea. Ive done my thing in many western corporations, but Indian business culture is obviously very different. Well, my stuff works in India! Boy, does it ever work. In fact, in India, Im a rock star :o) The stage for the Indore Management Association annual convention. The place was humongous! First I spoke at the Indore Management Associations annual conference where my presentation was a huge hit. People absolutely loved it as you can see from these comments. The next day it was on to Dewas which is a short drive from Indore where Tata has a plant that makes leather for the fashion industry. Tata is Indias biggest company, responsible for 2.8% of Indias GDP. Thats huge. Making people happy at work in India I did one workshop for the 20 senior managers at the factory which went very well and the next day I did another full-day workshop for 45 entry-level managers which went even better. Again, people loved the message, the tools and my presentation style. Making people happy at work in India And then to cap it off, I was taken to Indore again where I gave a presentation to the Indore Management Marshals, a group that meets monthly to discuss management. This group consisted of the member and their wives, most of whom are housewives, so I was asked to also speak about happiness in the family. That was a fun request, and it made me realize that about 90% of my message actually applies equally well at work and at home. And, again, I was a hit :o) It was a long trip home (about 24 hours) but I spent the whole time feeling quietly elated a feeling that persists now that Im back. Street life in Indore And finally a great big thank you to: The students who took such great care of me in Indore, especially Nancy. Everyone at IMA. What a great event you put on. Everyone at Tata Dewas. Thanks for spending so much time on my workshops and for being so positive about them. The Management Marshals of Indore for a lovely evening. James Pal for showing me around Indore and introducing me to Indian street cuisine which is amazing! S Nand for making it all possible by reacting to my original blog post where I said that Id love to do some work in India. Vijay Kumar Bhalla for arranging the whole thing so efficiently To every single person I met while there. I must have met hundreds of people and everyone was happy, smiling, gracious, positive and open. Thanks! You can see many more pictures from Indore here. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Tips For Writing a Resume For Environmental Geoscience

Tips For Writing a Resume For Environmental GeoscienceIf you are seeking employment in the field of environmental geoscience, then it is advisable that you write a resume for environmental geoscience. This field offers positions to individuals who possess the experience of performing research on the earth's environment and on how the environment affects people. Resumes for environmental geoscience can be prepared depending on the particular needs of the job application.There are specific details that need to be included on the resume, and these details should be given special attention. In addition, a lot of emphasis should be placed on these details.The first thing that you must include on your resume is the information about climate change. A person in this field must be familiar with global warming or climate change and its effects on our planet. It is important to understand that a large amount of global warming has been caused by the human activity, which has resulted in the bur ning of fossil fuels and the resulting rise in temperatures.If you are a college graduate with some experience of working in the sciences, then you must be familiar with the aspects of biological sciences and the issues surrounding the environment of the earth. It is also necessary that you are aware of the global climate changes that are occurring right now. You can provide information regarding your experiences in the biology field. This information is important as you will need to have an explanation of your specialization and the specific details that must be mentioned on your resume.Another factor that should be considered when creating a resume for environmental geoscience is the special requirements that are associated with the position. This field is one of the few areas that require applicants to possess a degree. The requirement of such a degree can be very high and requires a person to take extra classes and participate in extra activities to ensure that they are able to get the degree. Thisis why it is necessary to state the specific details that will provide details about your special requirements.Some of the details you must mention include your career goals, areas of expertise, skills and other relevant details. Career goals are determined according to the nature of the work, including whether it is scientific or non-scientific. If you are seeking employment in this field, then you must be aware of the steps that are required to be taken to obtain a degree.The number of years of experience that you have in the field is very important, because it is very important to know if you have specific experience and knowledge in your field. This information can be described and listed on your resume for environmental geoscience. The rest of the details that must be noted include details of how many publications you have written and the areas that you have worked in.The areas of expertise of the person in this field must be stated and these are the exact d etails that can be listed on your resume for environmental geoscience. The positions that are available are listed in the job descriptions and these are the specific details that can be described on your resume for environmental geoscience.